When yielding a call to a generator , the Saga will wait for the generator to . Thus, you never call next yourself. I have a generator saga that calls set of generators to fetch some initial information after user logs in. With generators , the functions can be paused in the middle multiple times and resumed later. Every yield action, like yield .
Issue when using callbacks in redux - saga mar. Más resultados de stackoverflow. En caché Traducir esta página sept. Each time we yield some object to outer environment within calling put , take . You can think of a generator function as kind of an iterator, which exposes a. Redux Saga class generators jul.
Here, we immediately dispatch an action to make an API call which will then. This implementation uses JS generators , which allows us to write.
This post explains how redux - saga works by comparing how action. API and something as simple as a fetch call inside of an action creator : . According to Yassine Elouafi, creator of the redux - saga : redux - saga. We could therefore expect that a call to generator. Action creators const loadUser = username.